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Continuous Security Monitoring

Anupama Mukherjee • October 4, 2022

As the world of cybersecurity continues to evolve, organizations must adapt their security strategies to stay ahead of the curve. One key element of a comprehensive security strategy is continuous monitoring, which can help identify potential threats and vulnerabilities before they have a chance to do damage. But what exactly is continuous security monitoring, and how can you implement it in your organization? Here’s everything you need to know about this critical cybersecurity measure.

What is Continuous Security Monitoring?

There's no question that security is important for any organization - large or small. But what does it really mean to have "secure" systems? And how can you ensure that your systems are as secure as possible?

One of the critical components that can help you achieve a secure system is continuous monitoring. 

Continuous security monitoring is an approach to network and system security that focuses on constant assessment of risk and vulnerabilities, rather than relying on traditional periodic testing. It automates the process of evaluating your security posture on a regular basis. It also differs from traditional security practices in which security is viewed as a comprehensive solution that is conducted in isolation. Continuous security monitoring is seen as a holistic view involving the entire system, encompassing security, reliability and availability.  In this way, CSM can be seen as a proactive approach to security, rather than simply reactionary.

Why is it Important?

It's no secret that software insecurity can lead to big problems for businesses. Just look at the Equifax breach - one of the biggest data breaches in history was caused by a simple unpatched vulnerability. In fact, there were multiple vulnerable systems that weren’t patched before the breach. The result - a huge data breach that exposed the personal information of millions of customers. 

Continuous Security Monitoring is important because it can help businesses detect and prevent these types of security breaches before they happen. It provides organizations with real-time insights and visibility into the security risks that are affecting their systems. With CSM, you can quickly and easily identify and fix any security risks your business might be facing. In addition, you can evaluate your security infrastructure against the latest industry standards and policies to ensure that your systems are meeting compliance requirements. Finally, CSM also helps to ensure that your systems are available 24/7 and are always patched, thereby minimizing business disruptions.

How Does Continuous Security Monitoring Work?

NIST defines continuous security monitoring as ‘a program established to collect information in accordance with organizational strategy, policies, procedures, and pre-established metrics, utilizing readily available information in part through implemented security controls.’ 

Let’s try to break that down a bit.

CSM is an automated process that continuously monitors your IT environment for security vulnerabilities. This is done using tools that gather information from your network and systems based on predefined metrics. These metrics are defined by your organization, the implementer (or if you don't have one, based on best practice guidelines). The security information is collected in real-time and can include data and events, web traffic, application logs, vulnerability scans, and so on. The information collected is then analyzed against predefined security rules and policies set by your organization to determine if a vulnerability is present. If a vulnerability is detected, the appropriate remediation is recommended, and the administrator is alerted to the issue. Many monitoring tools have a built-in response capability that allows the administrator to respond to the issue immediately. 

This entire process must be performed regularly and as and when required by each organizational unit. This is to ensure that the security of your IT environment is maintained at all times. Also, with the constantly shifting business environment and threat landscape, this strategy must be constantly revised and updated to ensure you are always on top of the latest security threats.

Advantages of Continuous Security Monitoring

Continuous security monitoring offers the following advantages: 

  • Increased awareness of threats and vulnerabilities
  • Visibility into the IT infrastructure
  • Improved risk management capabilities
  • All security controls are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are effective
  •  A single point of contact for all security issues and information
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements and legislation is verified
  • Threats are remediated as quickly as possible 

In other words, continuous security monitoring ensures that your IT infrastructure is always secure, and that you have the right people in the right places to handle any issues that arise.

How Can You Implement Continuous Security Monitoring in Your Organization?

According to NIST, the process of implementing continuous security monitoring can be broken down into the following main steps:

  • Define the CSM strategy
  • Establish a CSM program
  • Implement the CSM program
  • Analyze and Report findings
  • Respond to findings
  • Review and Update CSM strategy and program 

What does this mean for your organization?

Defining the Strategy

This is done based on the organization's risk sensitivity and specific business needs. The CSM strategy should be tailored to the specific assets and risks that are being monitored. In this step you define the policies, procedures, and templates that will be used to manage the monitoring process. 

Establishing a Program

The CSM program is created to make sure that operations are carried out within the risk tolerance guidelines set by the company. In this step, you determine the objectives of the program that can include but are not limited to the following - detecting anomalies in the system that could be the result of unauthorized access, gaining visibility into system activity and vulnerabilities, understanding the state of security and compliance within the system, and more.

Next, metrics and monitoring frequencies are established to measure the effectiveness of the program and ensure that the information required to manage the risk is available at all times. 

Implement the Program

The CSM program is then executed according to the guidelines set forth by the strategy. This step includes gathering security data, analyzing it against the metrics established in the previous step, conducting vulnerability assessments, and reporting the results. Automation is a key element of this process and is applied wherever possible. For example, if a vulnerability assessment is performed on a system, it can be performed by a tool that is automated and does not require human intervention. 

Analyze and Report Findings

The results from the vulnerability assessment and monitoring process are analyzed and reported to the appropriate stakeholders. This analysis, along with the results of the CSM program, are used to develop a risk management plan.

Respond to Findings

Once the data from the CSM program is analyzed, an appropriate response plan is developed. Response actions are evaluated and implemented as and when vulnerabilities are identified, or they’re implemented over time. 

Review and Adjust Program

The CSM program is reviewed periodically to assess the results and to adjust the process as necessary. Business requirements are not always constant and the CSM program must be flexible enough to support the organization as it evolves.

How Can Threat Intelligence Help Your Organization?

Growing a business while fighting cybercrime is an uphill battle. But the good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. As a trusted partner, we can help you build a strategy that combines people, processes, and technology to combat your cyber threats. Our Evolve suite of products have the following capabilities that can help you with your CSM program: 

  • Continuous Security Validation
  • Automated Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Automated Detection and Response Services
  • Automated Penetration Testing 
  • Automated Supply Chain Monitoring 

And much more. 

We can help you effectively monitor and protect your network with scalable solutions that are cost effective, easy to deploy, and completely customizable. Reach out to us for a
free demo/consultation.


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